This is an arcade racer with arcade physics. So fans of GT or Forza may not care for its racing style. You can race in planes boats and automobiles so if you have a want for something to carry between dlcs of other racers you can. I honestly think the arcade style racing is full of disingenuous racing mechanics and rubberbanding. Throw in random loot mechanic for parts, which has been part of the crew from the start, and you've got yourself a randomly generated crapfest that doesn't really benefit true car centric people.
The storylines are poorly written but at least the different racing genres are fun to try. I am not sure how to even use the cars I own to race in events and I'm in hour two or three of writing this.
Two Biggest Gripes: Driving to event to event with limited fast travel is EXTREMELY TEDIOUS. Having to RECONNECT the game after switching to another game to play is TEDIOUS thanks to the always on crud. Random Loot for every part is TEDIOUS.
Anyways if you're a fan of The Crew 2 then this is great for you. Feels like DLC and not much other than graphics have improved from the first.
For Fans of: Need For Speed and other arcade racers.