If you're interested in a challenging game that forces you to improve at the game to progress, a game that feels truly satisfying when you finally, FINALLY get through an area or beat a boss, a game that will sometimes be frustrating but has such great atmosphere and gameplay that you come back for more after cooling off? This is the one. It's not going to be for everyone, because it takes a lot of practice to improve your skill. However, it's worth it for me, even if it means I don't make any progress in the 1-2 hours I have after a long day at work. If you're looking for a story you can fly through in a few hours or an action game where you can hit R1 over and over to win... this isn't going to be for you. You have to work for the story, and you have to work to get better with the sword fighting. For myself, it's the most satisfying game I've played since Bloodborne.