When I started the game it used my oculus name which is pretty much my name and I did not want my name on the game for security reasons. There is no way for us to change our display name which is dumb but apparently your mods in the discord can. Your mod told me they will not change my name because the one I want it changed to is unacceptable? I was trying to change it to my gamer name GodOfTerror but apparently that is inappropriate. This is a joke especially since the god of terror is a greek mythology character and nothing to do with religion. It is abusrd that your discord mods have the sole discretion to determine what is appropriate and what is not. The game is super glitchy and has a lot of issues for you to be so absurd about policing people. SASSY should get off her high horse and stop being a discord terrorist. The ownsers of the game should see how she dictates and treats people in the discord.