Read the book and was at the edge of my seat, a thrilling mystery. I was trying to figure out what happened, excepting a kidnapping or maybe a plot twist. But, um… there WAS a plot twist. It was just a bit too much of a plot twist. I think this book had a lot of potential and it seemed really interesting, but a parallel universe? It kinda disappointed me. I was excited to figure out what happened to the mother, thinking she must’ve lived some sort of secret double life, but I guess that is what happened a bit too literally. I feel as the whole “alternate world cliffhanger” was just too random for this story. It was impossible to figure out, which can be good to some extent, but the way that it was done in this book simply didn’t make sense. A lot of questions were all replied with a very unspecific and shallow answer, “because it’s a different world that they found a portal to.”The writing WAS actually really good at first so I thought I was in for a good mystery, but everything was kind of rushed in a way, to try and tie things to an alternate reality with no warning or clues for the reader to have some idea of what is about to happen. It’s complicated with this story. You don’t want to reveal too much, but some sort of fantasy idea should have been noted at some point in the story other than the end. I have all three books and I don’t know what to do with them, because I don’t think parallel universes are my thing. If they are yours, you can give this book a try.