How is it Google says over 90% of people like this movie when the majority of reviewers are discussing why they did not like it? On the other side of the rose colored glasses there are people questioning how things make sense. This movie does show the realization of the new aged internet which we all signed up for and it’s never going to end. But to only have one sided point of view (if you’re a republican you are a horrible person) is why the majority of the real world does not whole heartily believe the left is the right side of history. Either way, I don’t believe the human race is so stupid, if you put out a meme and they believe that meme, and they burn cities down and vote one way because of that meme, it is a companies fault or a political figures fault. Both sides were involved in the influence of social media but they seemed to only have focus on Trump and Britain. Obama starting this Pandora’s box is all good though, nothing to see here. P.s. this Brittany lady says Obama and Clinton did not want to pay her. Shouldn’t that be a concern as well? I suggest you read up on this Christopher Wylie kid and see for yourself he had left CA in 2014 to start his own business, wanted the Trump campaign, got turned down, and now is a whistleblower for a company he barely worked for. He seems like reputable source.