Lmao. Do not listen to anyone that says this "Delivered". That is a joke. At best, this series deserves 3 stars.
I get its a limited series but the pacing just felt horrible. Its filler in every sense of the word. I know very little about the world of The Witcher but I still had issues with this show.
All things I had issue with ***SPOILER ALERT***:
- Just about 7-10 characters thrown at you that you are supposed to feel something for in only 4 Episodes.
- People are constantly delivering lines that do not make sense like Fjall thanking the Lark for not trying to kill him in his sleep after only a few minutes of being imprisoned together. Then being released by those who banished him in the same scene.
- Or the Empress not giving a damn about her "lover" being banished. And her honestly trying to win him back after doing the most heinous crimes against his family. Like BFFR.
- Fjall falling in love with the Lark seemingly out of nowhere.
- Fjall taking the beast potion instead of the Lark (forgot her name, forgettable character). Saw that coming right after he objected the first time because they're in love after half an episode.
- The plot for revenge on the empress which somehow worked with a group of 40 people and not with the many empires who defied her that allegedly were defeated.
- Chief Mage being defeated so easily after getting the highly coveted Chaos Power he sacrificed kids and his bestie for. He literally only manages to kill innocent people and random guards as if he could not do that before. This insults my intelligence.
- Main character, a women, easily bests every armored foe she encounters (male).
- Her showing more emotion for her BF death than her sister. Tragic.
- Severe lack of manpower this empire had. Relates to my previous point that a rebellion succeeded before nightfall.
Great show to kill time with background noise. I'd rather get the lore from a well versed YouTube video. Listen to the reviews. Its got these reactions for a reason. A full 10 Episode limited series would have done wonders. Maybe better casting too.
If you're a casual you will love it!