Overall, this movie is great. The story is engaging, the character development is good, and it has a great message. Sure, it's a little much for a really small child, but a 10-year-old could easily follow and understand the movie. Besides, as far as non-Disney 21st century kids movies go, this one is above board. Unlike other kids movies, Sahara isn't plagued with unending toilet humor, ridiculous side quests, tired cliches, motiveless villains, geographical and biological inaccuracies (mostly), and abundant continuity errors. There are a few problems, however. The pacing slows down dramatically in the second half of the movie, and the Buzz
Lightyear-esque scorpions are just wrong. Pitt is simultaneously the most overused and the most underused character in the movie. He makes a difference in 5 scenes, and even that's pushing it. He could be replaced with weather or other characters, and the movie quality would improve.