Simplistic Hobbesian fable, with one-dimensional characters, gratuitous and repetitive violence and...dialogues, in scenes that are drawn out as if to suggest we should enjoy this orgy of sadism.
Hobbes, the Marquis de Sade in his repetition, or Dante, made us go one inch deeper in the horror while making us reflect not so much about "society" but our innate perversions, our complicity in violence.
Here the director conveniently makes us feel that only a few ploutocrats are responsible and "poor us" are only victims of a "system".
This is abject populism in essence.
- Acting is cartoonish, atrocious in parts.
- Clichés abound (deadbeat dad trying to get back girl whose mom marries a rich guy - never happens in Korea btw)
- The fact that this show is so popular is disturbing to the highest degree