I hate when studios produce movies that, you as a viewer (who was not in any form apart of the making of the film) are able to call out what is to happen. I want to be surprised! None of this was surprising and I felt as though I saw the movie, without seeing the movie. Studios more times than not, want the viewers to feel apart of the movie and I hate that tactic where you talk to the characters about what they should be doing. So, 1990s and beyond (for most, not all, but definitely most movies)
Buying tickets or streaming (in my opinion) is as far as the inclusion should be considered. Everything else about the plot should be a surprise (or mostly a surprise) or else, what is the point? This movie is no different to 98% (not an actual calculation) of the movies that I have seen these past 28 years. I used to love watching movies and there are not many films that justify a continuation in watching film. I used to think the film industry was dying but now I am convinced (not based on this film alone) that it is dead. The writers strike has stopped for what? They need to go back to the drawing board. Very displeased in a lot of what Hollywood is/has done and it is safe to say, what will be done in the future.
Television is no different from what I see. There are a few unicorns (both film and television) but not enough, again, in my opinion. Movies more times than not, tank or turn little to no profit. Shouldn't that be some sort of a wake up call? Well, obviously not. I just do not know what future really lies ahead for these industries.