In the end we will find oak Island was a Swiss bank of the day. When people had large sums of gold silver precious items that they wanted to protect they were hidden there it probably started with the Templars this was a theory I developed five or six years ago and it's in the reviews somewhere. Also Rick makes me want to throw up I couldn't be around the punk like that he sits there trying his best Mr Spock impersonation in the war room and everybody has the stand there and nod like their bobblehead figures on a dashboard if you don't kiss his butt you're gone you don't see Nolan very often because you can tell he doesn't care for Rick's management style and you don't see the younger blankenship there anymore either there was no good explanation why he's no longer on the show he wasn't going to put up with Rick and his superior attitude. This show would be a lot better without the laganas in it. And by the way Rick the more syllables in a word doesn't make it the right word or make you look intelligent original depositionary work? Come on they were depositors not depositionaries. And how many holes have they drilled in the money pit 500 a thousand it seems to me this poke and hope would be more destructive if anything of value were actually in there now to set the record straight The original investors were Marty and Craig Rick came along because he was Marty's brother he worked at the post office he wasn't a genius and he didn't have money working at the post office. Yet Craig has to take a back seat to Rick who didn't have a dime invested it's wrong when I hear those guys or we better call Rick we better call Rick call him an a-hole