Omgoodness Gracious, I cried. The actors; I am a huge fan most of the cast members. The content, I felt belittled by how much complaining and the under-comprehensible immature minded could never be strong enough or work hard enough as the Butler. The mental anguish from every angle the male a father, husband relative of another. The son and the wife both as well depicted their pain. But it doesn't end there the era in which the movie progressed was amazing. So yet another whole century of depth and despair to endure the butler's inner pain it was gripping.
Then how times changed the perception of the role in society. As if society was continuing and growing outside. Outside the walls of the "house". To be quieted continuously just living in his skin not actually "living". Oh goodness HONESTLY I'm watching it again as I write this text message. This movie MOVED ME.
Can I just have lunch with him depict the characters mind and his handsome intelligent deep mind too.