Ignore the 1 star reviews;
Ignore the dweebs who wanted a 2000 page history book compressed into a 2.5 hr film. It never set out to do that, nor should it.
Ignore those who would rather not have Josephine mentioned in the film.
Ignore those that say they made light of it all..........
The film is better titled. "Napoleon and Josephine" - most historians do not consider relationship history, as history - but thats why we have films. Ridley Scott did a great job at humanising the "genius" that is often dehumanised by the historians who only see Napoleon as a dictator.
- If you want to learn about Boney then, read, read and read some more, and when you are a bit tired and want a break. Go see this epic. Don't expect it to teach you much, 40 years of French History cant be made into a film.