This author makes the masculine the enemy. If your not ready to sacrifice as the masculine then this book is not for you. It obvious the author has not been through any real life challenges or has been in any meaningful relationship. The author talks about their being to two poles. One of the masculine and one of the feminine. If you are of the feminine persuasion then you have not done anything wrong by the language of this book. You are just a system of your emotions of which the masculine is supposed to save you and do everything for you. This author has not been in relationship where love is reciprocal. He simply says as the masculine you do everything wrong and have no meaning in life. This is what is wrong with masculine and your feminine partner would like you to have the answers at all times either through hugs and love or eye contact, etc. I absolutely detest this idea and have worked hard at everyday of my life but according to this book I am still a failure. Why would this book have so many good reviews? It’s because it gives the feminine the way out and for the feminine not to have to try. It’s supposed to be all on the masculine. I’m sure all the feminine listening to this book give it 5 stars cause it’s a scapegoat for them from having to reciprocate love and the desire to be with their partner verses the masculine doing everything. I do not recommend this book to anyone. Unless, you the feminine, are trying to get out of being a caring and loving partner in the relationship. This author is terrible and shames the masculine. Not a good writing style and not a good message.