While I think it's important for people to recognize we all have "messy" aspects of ourselves, and that those parts of us are nothing to be ashamed of, Disney/Pixar could easily have focused on helping kids learn how to resolve conflict with parents in healthy ways through this movie. Instead Disney continually pushes the agenda that kids can be disrespectful, deceitful, and rebellious to their parents, and then be celebrated for it, after which, parents must come around to the child's point of view who then calls all the shots and makes the rules. Of course, on the side is a dad who has no say in anything important going on with the family, for the most part. In this movie her dad had one scene where he had a chance to be influentially supportive. Why doesn't Disney support healthy family dynamics, healthy family communication and conflict resolution, and healthy parent child relationships? There are skills we can learn In order to have healthy relationships instead of resorting to hiding ourselves, blow-ups and anger. Disney, please support healthy conflict resolution!!