I started watching this show earlier this year before Covid-19 hit and I could barely get through the first episode. Cut to months later...I have nothing but time on my hands and watched the whole thing through in 1 and a half days. There are two things that cannot be missed. 1. This show has amazing actors! Regina King is superb! The actress that plays Laurie and the one that plays Lady Trieu had me stunned! Not to mention just about everyone else! I’m no professional critic. I’m just a person that appreciates good cinema and THIS, is good cinema. 2. The parallels to the times we’re in right now is simply uncanny! The things we won’t talk about are here and the things we feel ashamed to see are displayed (in more ways than one). Nevertheless, humanity and is shown here with an emphasis on how we can stumble in to our own demise over myths; our own past pain and most of all, fear.