The shw comprises of elemnts-scientifc,logic,politcs,how 2 thank, worshp & 2 deal wid nature,how 2 b a human & wholesquare at evry side..d mst imprtng thng is tht is centrl base is on Humanty.D sages were the bst-- preachrs,scientists& Gods' true Devotees Sages were indeed great A Hindu Cultre has in it scientific evry relign must follw Santan Hindu Dharma 2 develp thmslvs in evry sphere...I m nt biasing any Religion or cultre but its good 2 collect 2 good thngs frm evry Cultre/Relign & implmt d bst /good rules in our lyf& root out d wrst/bad thngs,i.e,(Kusankara)frm our lyf cultr & evrythng