I really wanna give rating in minus bt dats not possible as a physiotherapist i did not like that comparison btw physio and compounder
Writter and director or who so ever is involved during the finalization of dialogues and scene must have some knowledge about the perticular profession before using such dialogues in any series which will be seen by so many people . Do you guys have any idea if any current student of bpt watches such scene what he will think of himself for choosing this profession and what other ppl will think of this profession. Our bachelor's degree is of 4.5 years and then mastrs of 2 years . We try our level best to save patients from complicated surgeries and minimize the cont. Use of some harmful drugs and this is how ppl like u portray us in front of society. Scenes like this dsnt show what our profession is scene like this shows how much literate you are . Shame on ppl who so ever are involved for making of this scene.
Gain some knowledge about physiotherapy first then make such scene