This show is a weak and pathetic attempt at a workplace comedy. To give you a background on the kind of “humour” this show has, my nine year old cousin loves this show. The jokes are very predictable and cringy and often fall flat. The funniest parts were the two second transition scenes showing the weird American Walmart customers. I couldn’t even make it past the pilot. It was when the scumbag SoundCloud rapper started dancing and rapping that did it for me. In terms of the “quirky” characters you’ve got the stereotypical mentally challenged girl, the super aggressive lady, hard working sassy Asian dude, and disabled black guy. Good job NBC you got a bunch of minorities represented! And then there’s the workaholic that seems to be the only one actually working and running the place who of course is going to fall in love with the cocky conventionally attractive white guy that can’t seem to do anything right. Also why was he asking about the rules with dating a supervisor on the first day of meeting her like what? Honestly this show is just an insult to the satire genre. It wanted to be the office or parks and recreation so badly