I was really interested in the study, albeit on just 4 twins. But still, a promising start. Episode 2 was a screaming joke! Totally nothing to do with health and very misleading. Yes beef feedlots are terrible, but that's because they separated arable farming from livestock. Integrate them and use regenerative farming practices, then you will get better products, better quality, at less cost and increase biodiversity and reduce the need for man made (and rapidly diminishing resources of) fertiliser. Which kills the soil. And the Gulf of Mexico!
The problem is that people actually believe this biased propaganda. Money will win out! Unless we all set our steak in the ground. And I mean locally grown grass fed steak!
It wasn't a type o! Idiots!
Why do we have to give one star to this idiotic approach? This really needs a zero!
Haven't watched past episode 2, yet. But their suggestion that the two really fit twins had to put on muscle because they couldn't lose fat was a stupid statement! Those guys look like the archetypal human phenotype. Don't we all wish we looked like them? We really should. If the guys want more muscle, fine. Go for it lads! But the advice from the professionals? Really?
As for Michael Greger? Have you read his book? Zero stars. It's contains the same rubbish as this series! It's a photo finish in a two horse race between him and Michael Mosely for last place in a 20,000 horse race for 'experts'!
Eat your meat! If saturated fat was bad for us why does the liver store our energy as it? I think the liver is more intelligent than most scientists. It's been doing its job for millions of years.
Also cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease, salt isn't bad for you (caveat- unless you listen to the experts) and you lose weight in the kitchen, not on the trasdmill.
Why can people with idiotic advice get on the telly and the real experts don't get a look in?
Money. Did you know that YouTube negatively select information that does not agree with the WHO? They are a bunch of self serving idiots too - paid by 'the man'!
Red meat does not cause cancer! Any naysayers- show me the real evidence!