Trying to be objective here. I have learned some things from watching, but basically watch it when they happen to be on and there isn't anything else worth watching. Usually its on while I'm on my now. The things that kinda keep the show from being an excellent show are the overdone attempts to be Kool. It just comes off as phony. I have to agree with others about the backward hat. Another attempt at being Kool that really just looks dumb. Then when they shill for the products they overdo the pitch. Just show things being installed and work the brand name into the general conversation. The extended explanation of the items purpose is pretty unnecessary when you are talking about simple things like floor mats and seat covers or entry steps for a pickup. Save the explanations for mor technical stuff......then its enjoyable to gets some tips and explanations. Like just now, they are tigging a patch panel and giving a good explanation of minor probs that can crop up. Very Good.........So if anyone from the show ever reads these reviews, you have the basis for an excellent show if you just get rid of the moronic hat and phony Kool. Just be natural. So now the staged show "2 Girls Garage" is coming on with the girl who is covered with tattoos and laughs constantly. Yea not much worse than listening to continual giggling. Guess its time to use the remote..........
(Do you think anyone from the show ever reads these reviews)