Unlike a lot of other people, I actually really liked and enjoyed the CGI, especially the opening running scene, that got me hyped in my seat, it had a whole lot more of my taste in CGI, I can see why everyone else says it’s bad but I still REALLY like it, plus I like everything else about the movie, the acting’s good, the story’s good, the soundtrack was amazing, they had a really good choice of characters, yeah I know Ezra has a lot of BTS problems but I thought he delivered with his performance, plus the explanations for a lot of stuff that happens actually made sense (for me anyway), even though I really wanted to see reverse flash in the movie, I’m fine if they didn’t have thawne or zolomon, and they had a villain that wasn’t actually in the comics (creating their own villain like how they came up with the villains in Shazam 2), my overall rating is 10/10, plus The Flash is my favorite movie of all time, even though if I can make it like 15/10 I would,