I'm pretty casual, but so far my time in IGW has been enjoyable. I made myself into a Space Doggo and went with the Intergalactic Alliance faction (blue guys), and upon entering the game I was greeted by many friendly players eager to help me get started.
IGW is an MMORTS, it gives me mixed vibes of Eve Online and Dark Reign (my fav RTS from when i was a kid). You build up and customize your base, put together some fleets, and then take out enemy bases/fleets whether it's NPCs or players from other alliances. I have not yet raided a player base as I'm not quite ready to make enemies xD.
The game is f2p, and nothing seems strictly behind a paywall, as it's mostly pay to speed things up. Some major upgrades can take days, but anyone that's played a bit of EVE probably won't have issues with this. There are ways to earn a bit of premium currency from just gameplay.
Overall, the game has been fun, community has been quite friendly, and the developers seem to interact a lot with the playerbase hosting weekly livechats giving us a chance to ask questions n such. The genre is kinda niche, but I would recommend for anyone looking for an massive multiplayer RTS experience