If you liked learning to read using the Dick, Jane and Sally books, you're gonna love this show. For the rest of us: not so much.
I like Paula Zahn but why on earth does she speak so S L O W L Y???? Also, the endless repetition, very reminiscent of the Dick, Jane, and Sally primers, gets old very quickly:
Quote from a Dick, Jane, and Sally primer: "Look! Look, look! Oh, oh! Oh, look!"
Quote from the show:
Zahn narrates: “Investigators found a receipt from April 5th in Pam’s purse”
Zahn then asks the Investigator (talking v e r y s l o w l y): “Did she use either her debit card or credit card on April 5th?”
The investigator: “She did. She used her credit card to go out to eat that night…”
Have you viewers got that? Investigators found a credit card receipt showing that the victim went out to eat on April 5th..."
Why not just say that? The writing on this show is SO POOR. Not worth your time.