I wish I could have liked it more.
I tried, really I did, but it not only fell flat but was kind of confusing too. The cast was fine, Peter was a bit off that was the writing not the actor, and Wendy’s relationship with her brothers was sweet. I liked the lost boys - they each somehow had more personality than Peter.
But Tinker Bell lost her spark, and Hook was an immature brat obsessed with getting revenge on a lost childhood friend. In the original you understood that Peter and hook were equals despite the age difference between the characters and here you don’t get that at all. Tiger Lilly somehow became an unnecessary character used for diversity points and served less of a purpose than in the animated version, where she had no lines and spent most of her screen time tied to a rock. There were no mermaids, Wendy took the place of Peter almost exactly as he was played originally. And I’m still not sure what the plot was supposed to be.
Basically, Disney is playing off nostalgia and hoping no one notices that they’ve completely gutted the original for more money. I gave it 2 stars purely for the casting and the pirate songs.