Came across this series by happenstance looking for something to watch. Not sure why its rated with a one-star review... but regardless of anything else, I absolutely love what she is doing for big girls... its not just about becoming one of her dancers, the show dives into a multi-tude of issues, with the end result through a lot of support that helps to build self-confidence, learning to love yourself while strengthening the foundation in which they stand and knowing and understanding that there are no limits to being who you want to be, doing what you want to do and not holding back... being confident in knowing that yes, you can be as successful as you want to be when striving to make your dreams happen. Whether you agree with Lizzo or not, you have to stand up, clap and honor her for her successions and for her passion for self-love not just for the big girls but for anyone who feels they are not enough... she's here to say Yes You Are!!!