This time period of Star Wars intrigues me possibly more than any other time period in the saga - what happened while Obi-wan was watching over Luke on Tatooine for all those years?
While the storyline and plot are interesting enough and McGregor is awesome, through two episodes the screen play has left a lot to be desired. The brief interactions/observations Obi-wan has with Luke and Owen Lars are great but most of the time so far is spent with Leia.
The worst part of the series so far is that the 10 year old Princess Leia was made to look like a total brat, leaving my kids hoping that Obi-wan would leave her with the inquisitors on the new planet she was kidnapped to.
Also, before that, the chase scene in the forest when she was kidnapped was honestly one of the worst chase scenes I have ever seen…we are supposed to believe that 3 adult men can’t immediately chase down and grab a short 10 year old? Typically in a show of this caliber, many scenes that aren’t central to furthering the plot are cut from the final product. Why leave this chase scene in? It doesn’t add anything to the plot. If the bounty hunters had just captured Leia right after she had stumbled upon them, the whole episode would have been exponentially better. The chase scene really hurt the believability of the series for me.
To be clear, this is not a knock on the actress who played Leia - in fact, some of her acting is brilliant. But the way she is written, in my opinion, was slightly overkill in trying to make her look overly intelligent and clever and came across as disobedient and bratty.
Also, why must all the Jedi be turned into these useless, defeated, insecure forms of themselves? Luke was made this was in TFA and now Kenobi is made this way in this series. I’m not sure I like or agree with Disney’s take on this… I would much prefer to see one of the most powerful Jedi masters of all time using his skills to best believable enemy rivals rather than running from any form of battle.
One last gripe, the new villain, Reva, isn’t a very interesting/good/compelling character so far. I would have been more interested in seeing the Grand Inquisitor in the rest of the series than her.
It was fun to see Bail Organa back and the opening scene of the attack on the Jedi temple was great! So, it wasn’t all negative and I’m hopeful that the screen play improves and the focus shifts more to Luke because the story line they are working with is possibly the best one left in the Star Wars Saga. Maybe they could bring in Favreau to clean up the mess…