The laws in this book aren’t meant to be good or evil. They’re simply laws of cause and affect. If you fall off a cliff, you don’t blame the law of gravity for your misfortune.
Also many people you’ve given this book one star don’t understand that this book can also be used as a defensive weapon against those who wish to implement the laws upon them. As it says in the description, “The best book for those who want power, watch power or want to arm themselves against power.” If you were to be hurt by someone who implemented the the laws of this book on you, you would rightfully be angry that such people exist and wish to impose such misfortune upon others. However, there’s no denying that part or you would also wish you understood the methods of the manipulator in advance so that you could see him or her coming and save yourself all that discontent and dread. You wish you had access to a piece of information that could could have saved you the costly experience of such pain. A piece of information like this book.