I'm a big fan of the TV series and when I heard that a movie for this series was coming out, I was very excited. When I first saw it in early November of 2020, I absolute enjoyed it, and I shed a tear during the ending. More could've been added to the story, though. But, I was very disappointed when I found out that BigBadDream and The Piratrocities were absent from this movie. These villians were a big part of the TV series, why weren't they in the film? Also, they should've added the classic "SamSam Swing" theme and other musical scores from the TV series into this movie as well. It would of made the movie so much better. This movie doesn't really follow the plot SamSam stated in the 2016 teaser. He said something about Mega getting kidnapped by the Piratrocities, but in the film, SamSam was the one who got kidnapped instead, and it was by King Marthial the 1st. The only thing that was true which SamSam stated, was battling the Wettabeds. I love King Marthial's new design, he actually looks like a full-on general, and he even has a scientist by his side now. King Marthial the 1st was actually a badass villain in this film, and he took on a more darker, yet more sinister role. The only things I hated about this movie was the Wettabeds' new voice actor, the removal of Meow's eyebrows, Meow's reduced height, and Leon-Leon's eyes being a lot smaller than in the TV series. What the hell was the Wettabeds' voices in the film? They sounded like they were on crack. The Wettabeds were so much better in the TV series because they actually sounded like men. Please, bring back the Wettabed's old voice actor from the series for the upcoming 3rd season. If they ever plan on making a sequel to this film, don't screw it up this time!
Overall, I give this film a 7/10. Not the best, but I still enjoyed and loved it.