Paul Weller 66. The mod father returns with his 17th solo album. String arrangements to the fore and a very lush and rich sound. Unsurprisingly those strings were recorded at Abbey Road. And Noel Ghallager co - writes a track. So far so very unsurprising. But then Suggs pops up as lyric writer on the quirky Ship Of Fools, Doctor Robert from the Blow Monkeys Co authors Rise Up Singing and Bobby Gillespie helps out on Soul Wandering. In fact all but 3 of the records 12 tracks are co-writes. Oddly the finished album sounds amongst Wellers most co-hesive and is definately meant to be heard as a complete piece.
The Mod fathers voice is also a thing of beauty - part Bowie, a little Damon Albarn and still able to croon, swoon, rasp and growl effortlessly.
Highlights are many - Jumble Queen (a really great NG lyric) with parping horns and a Stonsey chorus, Ship Of Fools - a lovely Weller vocal, recorder and rolling pub piano - My Best Friend's Coat - which is the sort of song you imagine The Divine Comedy releasing, lyrically and arrangement wise. The most Weller sounding is Soul Wandering - a swaggering psych rocker with girly backing vocals and a great guitar riff. Final track Burn Out even has a woozy Pink Floyd feel.
Throw in 80's sax, lashings of weird and wonderful percussion and not a single track that out stays its welcome. Oh and did I mention it sounds phenomenal on headphones.