I loved ESO until update 33 went live. I had 18 individual characters, all on their own journeys, making their own choices, finding their own path. ESO was a game that appealed to many different playstyles, had great stories, interesting npcs and lore, etc. It used to be an MMO RPG, not anymore. This update 33 mashed every character you ever made or will make into one. Example, my level 30 bosmer being praised by npcs for stuff they never did like completing Greymour or Blackwood. Everything that made each of the characters an individual was taken away. They did this even though thousands of players on the PTS begged them to implement "Account Wide Achievements" in a different way, to rethink it, to fix the immersion breaking and for many like myself, completely game breaking update all for "possibly better future performance". I loved this game and spent thousands of hours and dollars on my characters to have it all taken away. It was awesome to see my healer be the one that earnd me the bloodletter title, to forever be credited because I can never earn it again. It broke my heart what they did to my characters and I feel for everyone else that was affected in the same way. I guess we are no longer the player base they want playing. The RPG aspect of ESO died with update 33.