I'm an avid fan of Christmas Carol movies. As most everyone agrees the 1951 version being the best. I must admit I did not know about the 2019 version until several months after it was released. Prior to watching, I read many reviews that viewers posted. It appears viewers either loved the movie or did not like at all. So I went for it...I switched the movie off when Marley entered Purgatory. I was not grasping what was going on. It was not what I expected. The next day I figured I would give it another shot. What I did this time was I started with an open mind and did not think of the past Christmas Carol movies that I was used to watching over and over. I began to watch the movie. Before I knew it I was captured, I couldn't stop watching. I thought it was absolutely brilliant. The acting was phenominal, outstanding. I watched a second time and spotted things I didn't catch or understand the first time. I have since watched the movie 4 times.