By far this is one of Jean Claude Van Damme's best movies. It's a disturbing and dark film that I think people need to see more of in today's society. This and the Sound of Freedom are films that I believe will help society open their eyes to the heinous acts that take place in child sex trafficking. In this world, the worst tragedy of this illicit trade isn't even the fact that children are forced into sex slavery, it's all the blood that is shed to cover it all up and the countless innocent lives that are wasted away when the criminals don't have it their way. So many children who either put up a fight or are caught in a situation get killed. It's all so stupid and none of these things would ever happen if human trafficking was completely eradicated. I fully recommend this movie, though it is dark and violent. It's the reality of the situation that we all need to understand to better protect ourselves from trafficking. It's so sad there are such horrible people in the world. I don't think Van Damme understood that this topic would become so relevant today as 12 years later, we are living in a time where the child sex industry is booming and even here in the United States, our nation spends $200 billion a year on human trafficking. It's so sad and disgusting. We just wish there were heroes in this world who could bring justice to these criminals, but the reality is, justice won't come until the day of Judgement.