This movie is the first to truly portray a Japanese work correctly.
Not only that its a solid movie overall.
The plot hits all its note correctly. The world feels tactile and lived it. The 3d, oh gawd the 3d is clean and stark and absolutely beautiful in IMAX.
I hear the cries of "Uncanny Valley" and the "Big Eyes", the only thing i have to say is for one thing you people out there are useing the term wrong, and 2 after the first 5 mins those deep windows in to the soul grow on you.
See this movie.
If you love action, see it.
if you love scifi, see it.
If you like romance, ...its romantic, sorta, see it
If you like storys about growing up, and teen rebelion, see it.
if you like Anime, YOU HAVE TO SEE IT.
See this movie
side note: "Uncanny Valley" is a term for when something try to be as human looking as possible gets too close but not close enough.
The reason your using it wrong is because you trying to say she is trying to be human. she not, they deliberately tell she is not human. at least physically. she is a cyborg. a human brain in a fake body. she can fall in the "Uncanny Valley" if she wasnt supposed to be human.