Girl and guy in a 3-year-everything-aesthetically-perfect relationship, guy dies- "his death was greatly exaggerated" but dad moves out girl is okay with it, has issues that are made up very badly that people on social media think are cool having, doesn't like taking up much responsibility. Excessive emotional attachment is not a perk to
a personality if you're trying to take that person seriously. But girl can talk on phone with guy, get's a chance to say goodbye, girl has more overeactions and deals with feelings worse than 5-year-old. Hints a bit at asian hate and hidden gay feelings (cause it's the norm now-kindness changes the world). And of course dimwit, it's sad because that's the thing now sadness is no longer virtue, how else then will people have an overreaction to it on social media?
If you're a 12-year-old who has aesthetic pinterest boards full of cringy quotes and reads Wattpad fanfiction, cries over heartbreak from a week of relationship while watching fanart of the fault in our stars, immature kids who think reading young adult with cheap melodramatic teen romance with a touch of fantasy is an actual form of literature worth pursuing - congratulations this is for you but to my surprise to the amount of popularity this book has risen to, the world is full of people like this. Might get adapted into a movie and fail on ratings. I might have said something nice if it at least added a new word to my vocabulary.