That this movie was a hard watch is an understatement. Its flawed on so many levels and it misses everything that we have come to expect from LJP. It ended up being a vessel just trying to carry Mohanlal as he pushes through a tired and weak performance.
The story is not really it's weak link IMHO as has been a criticism. The story is actually the only thing keeping this movie afloat. Mohanlal looks every bit of the 60+ years that he is and no amount of wires and rigging can change that.
Danish Sait was a surprise as he pulled off the right amount of crazy and actually shows a lot of promise for future endeavors as well. The female cast is purely eye candy and their actions are random and seem to be driven by hormones and nothing else.
LJP's strength was to make the story the hero as he blends and weaves characters around it thus delivering a truly wholesome recipe. This falters as the only aim her seems to be to cater to the hero image. While in this case, the story revolves around the hero, the execution left a lot to be desired and somehow LJP faltered here.
All in all, a skip for sure and I struggled to get through this movie just trying to figure what all went wrong here. Hopefully, some of the flaws that can be corrected will be in case of a sequel, but its tough so maybe the sequel should be a skip it as well, if it does take off...