John Carpenter’s The Thing is probably my favorite movie of all time as a big science fiction enthusiast, which might lead you to believe that I’d be excited about this particular film, however the transition from a suspenseful character driven film featuring an astounding range of skillfully executed practical effects to a CGI driven creature feature has kind of neutered the IP (something which was apparent as early as the first few trailers). The titular Thing takes every opportunity to show itself off (need to use that special effects budget) and attack multiple people with brute force rather than remain hidden and attack off screen like the invisible threat it once was, driving the film’s theme of isolation, paranoia, and distrust. Even if they had used the practical effects the directors wanted and commissioned before the suits decided they made the movie look “old” and opted for CGI which looked dated the moment it released the writing and behavior of the Thing is a weak point. Too many things are done simply because they have to set the scene for the original film (that axe HAS to be left embedded in the wall, so don’t touch it), and even then major details are missed anyway- extra crew members are added so their CGI monster has more people to kill, the Norwegian crew has a bunch of Americans in it, etc. It’s not a bad film by any means, it’s entertaining if you don’t think about it (especially if you weren’t a big fan of the Thing before- this film basically ruins the pacing and mystery of the original’s first half however, so if you’re interested in it watch that first). It’s a standard sci-fi horror monster movie, held strictly to modern industry sensibilities rather than those of the era and movie it pays homage to. It’s okay, it didn’t ruin the series or anything.