While We Watched documentary has been 'leaked' on YouTube. I guess Since the makers were officially unable to release/find takers in the country, this was perhaps the best way to introduce it to the public.
It's nicely made. the whole narration accompanied by ominous sounding music creates tension and suspense as if a calamity has struck or about to happen .. the Story of the lone fighter , a crusader of justice, a journalist with highest standards of morality out there battling the powerful state and his own people, facing criticism, trolling and life threat in course of his "duty" is all very inspiring & distrubing too. It reminded us of those troubling times before 2019 general elections.. and those prophetic words of Ravish that this "new India" full of hate and lies will only grow into a bigger monstor..
But the documentary also drags a lot.. and raises serious questions on Ravish himself : his unnecessary stubbornness, his failure as a leader of his team and his refusal to work within the system.. by criticising his own fraternity or being extremely pessimistic or cynical, he alienated from him the same fraternity and even his own loyal audiences to the extent that he put his career and family in danger. But then tough persons and leaders and crusaders are made of a different metal