Despite being slow at times and inserting the "mandatory" PC relationship side plots, I thought the message of how the internet will be used in the next world war was very relevant and revealing. The internet (especially social media) has already been used, with devastating effects, in the United States against ourselves by ourselves and is no doubt influenced by foreign nations who wish to see us descend into civil war. The goal is to make so many lies circulate that no one knows what the truth is anymore. And it doesn't surprise me because Jesus and St. Paul warned us that Satan is the father of lies and has been since the beginning of time as we know it. That's why we have to look above ourselves, beyond ourselves, for truth in Him, in God. I loved it that they portrayed a Muslim giving the speech that we all need to listen to about non-reaction, love and compassion being the only answer to this kind of lying and hatred and chaos. I wish everybody would watch this show and instead of pointing fingers at the opposite political party realize that we are all capable of engaging in this kind of behavior, and being manipulated by the internet, and "the Prince of the Air."