I did not finish the movie, after that horrible rewrite of their first kiss i just couldn't mush through it. The actors barley have have any chemistry, the kiss was awkward, it didn't follow the book. They didn't have their build-up for the kiss and in all honesty it destroyed any possible romantic tension for the kiss. I was just so disappointed, and so many characters didn't make it to the movie as well, i feel like it was rushed and honestly not rewritten well. This would have probably been a better show than movie, just really sad to see it adapted this way.
Please read the book if you haven't already, I'm telling you its way better than how this movie came out.
Again i rant about that kiss scene though, they didn't even have Henry facing Alex during his confession which would have made Henry calling Alex dense make more sense I'm just so angry about what i was robbed of. They weren't even able to have a discussion god this movie just made me so mad. It feels like such a cash grab, no love put into it at all.