Climax is a French-Belgian movie written and directed by Argentinian-French filmmaker Gaspar Noé. It is apparently based on real event that date back to mid-90s. Climax is the insanity, hallucination, and fear of using acid; it has an ordered chaos; it's a cocktail of panic and music that starts with dancing, then reaches terror, and finally collapses into frenzy; it is aesthetically admirable and ethically questionable; it's migration from paradise to hell; it's the downfall of human civilization; it's the realization of savagery. Climax is dance-inducing, dizziness-causing, headache-giving, nauseating, annoying, exhausting, musical, breathtaking, unharnessed, excessive, inhuman, filthy, harsh, bloodstained, colorful, high-contrasted, noisy, thrilling, crowded, torturing, revenge-seeking, nightmarish, abusive, intruding, shameful, horror, inverse, obscure, frosty and hot; it takes you to death. Climax, once again, proves that Noé has a corrupt, sick, yet genius mind.