Watching this series was like torture every episode. Every time I thought it would get better it would not get any better. It would continually be empty. The story was common. A girl in love is unable to tell her love that she had a life threatening disease, leukemia. Instead she chose to disappear out of his life spontaneously without a word, hurting him and herself. The story attempted to portray the protagonist as sacrificial, loving, and self-less. But the reality is that she is immature. The story lacked depth and content. The characters lacked depth. It was poorly written, produced, and directed. It just dragged on and on and on with no significant point. Ugh! What a complete waste of my time. But because I'm committed to improving my Mandarin, and they spoke in an accent that I was able to understand, I sat through 24 lame, disappointing, pathetic episodes. Ugh! Thank goodness for endings!! Puke.