In my opinion, Morbius has great special effects, a good choosen topic with great actors, but it lacks a lot of vital components which make it a lot less appealing .
Firstly, there is no solid development between the relationships of the characters. For example there isn't any buildup on how great a friend Milo was to Morbius over his transition of years to adulthood, and how they needed each other to thrive and succeed. Without that, it really feels like Milo isn't a great friend to him, and Morbius should have killed him far earlier.
Secondly, the movie lacks a lot of common logic. For example, during the scene where Morbius tries to stop Milo from killing more innocent people in the subway station he just gazes at his friend killing all those officers and then running away knowing that more people could have died at the scene (doesn't make sense, his original intention was to stop more people from dying).
Thirdly, I feel that the ending epic boss battle isn't that epic. The antogonist just dies by bats and a killer serum, and it just doesn't feel right.
Lastly, how the hell did vulture get his mechanical wings just a few days after his release of prision in another universe? and why would Morbius be willing to cooperate with him in order to kill Spiderman? (Someone he never knew).
Anyway, still something you can watch and enjoy, hope this helps