Played around 20 hours total to give it a try and have a real opinion of what is good and bad but all i can say is that they definatly made the game trying to sell it to the new generation of young players with easier ways to dangle with new controls wich is the worst thing ever...again EA needs to try to sell more to make more money but as we can see old timers like me are more disapointed than they could ever be. I thought of buying the game but after playing with my friend acount it will be the first time in 13 years that i wont. It is so obvious that they try to sell it to kids who plays fortnite and games that are loaded with colors and arcade style of gameplay that even a blind could see how bad they had to go just to try to sell more copies. Worst move they ever made, time to change the mentality of this business and hear what customers really want or you will end up like Blizzard's bad review on Diablo 4... Wake up EA