First off, when it says “starring Bruce Willis”, he doesn’t actually appear for longer than approximately 15 minutes in total! So more like guest starring..
Then, apparently the story is based on a real serial killer, but there wasn’t really much back story about him, just that he had a daughter and a wife, nothing about where he came from, why he was killing some women and why he kept one? Also, there was nothing about the history of the “fbi” agents, or the police, or even the victims themselves, just snippets, but not going into much detail.
I found the whole thing lacking in imagination, and not a lot of back story to any of the characters at all, this usually helps to build the story and pique the viewers interest. There were small montage flashbacks later on in the film that really weren’t needed, and didn’t make sense where they were put. Why put them in at all? It seemed random, like the director was just trying it to see how it looked. Why didn’t anyone tell him?
The whole film was basically shown in the trailer, apart from the ending obviously.
The ending, in fact, was the child of the killer being led away by her mother, and it’s SOOO obvious the director told the child to turn back while the mother stopped walking and stood facing forward! But where were they walking to? There was no car or anyone/anything waiting for them, it just looked like they were walking into the grass! Makes no sense!
Overall, I was disappointed that the film didn’t deliver action, grit, or any personality, and I’m actually glad it wasn’t longer.