for people who haven’t watched the second one!
I actually really loved this movie. i saw the third final destination first, off a scene from tiktok and i got so hooked.
i watched the first one, it was awesome. i loved the actors and just the amount of work put into it. the acting was amazing and it was all just amazing. i was really hooked and you just didn’t know if they would live or not.
this one is right now my favourite final destination movies. it was so amazing and i love how they brought Clear back for this movie. i love how much this movie was connected to the first one. This movie was just so nerve racking and it was like a rollercoaster with my emotions. I don’t want to say much about the movie because i don’t want to spoil but i can tell you it’s definitely worth watching. the casting is just amazing and the editors have outdone themselves.
i won’t say much about the third movie. but i definitely don’t recommend watching it first. it wasn’t the worst and i did get lucky i chose to just watch the third one first because if you watch the second one first i promise you, you won’t have an idea what’s happening. the third one is also really great. very gory, but it’s also very well done. i can tell you right now, i wasn’t the biggest fan of the ending and i know a bunch of people who hated the ending. but overall its such a good movie.
i definitely recommend continuing with the series. i’m watching the fourth one soon and i’m so excited. i wish they still made movies like this.