This thriller series is has literally every storyline concept i.e suspense, romance, mystery, horror (absolute horror),plot twists etc I also like the teamwork that the characters have under Mia's leadership. The fact that everyone got everything they wanted at the end made me so happy eg Mia got back her normal life, Jenna finally got her conference, Amber got to live a life just like the others, Harry finally got real friends and most importantly they got the opportunity to meet one another regularly for tea with no worries or danger. I noticed that some characters changed/improved as a result of all the action on the island ie Harry learnt how to overcome his fears, Mia learnt about caring for others, Jenna learnt how to be helpful and Alex learnt how to get along with others. That's all. Oh I was also intrigued by how Jenna was in love with Harry, she really kept mentioning him at the last episode. It's a good series go watch it. I can't wait for Season 3