This show is everything the world needed with the day we live in where people are public about being LGBTQIA+ (me being LGBTQIA+ myself) and having physical or mental disabilities even normalizing therapy is weaved into the show and doesn't feel forced either. TRIXIE MATTEL IS IN THIS SHOW!!
As an LGBTQIA+ person I experience harassment daily (physical and mentally) and that's not okay. But this show made me feel seen in characters like Heath who goes to therapy and Frankie bottling things up and how they do need to share their emotions.
The animation and character designs are super cool and this is just the alternative, cute show I needed. I also really like the Catarina Stripe and Monster Fest episodes! Also ignore all the biased millennials spamming 1 star reviews they are just biased to generation one!! This show cares and so do the fans. Its a community and that's what really matters.