I was barely able to make it through this movie it was slow boring disjointed noisy and dark, both in context and on the screen. Half the time the screen is so dark you can't see what's going on then it flashes bright. I'm assuming the director wanted the darkness and all the noise to provoke a feeling of dread or unease, but I found it annoying. Previous hellboy movies always had a little tongue in cheek, humor to them, and stories you could easily follow. The people rating this movie with five stars seem to be big fans of the Hellboy comic books, having never read one I don't know closely this movie followed the story and how dark they are, but apparently, if you are a fan of them, you might like this movie, but if you are not, I'd advise, don't waste your time. Fans of horror movies can find much better movies to watch and if you're just looking for a good movie, anything would be better than this.