A lovely game that truly tested my level of sanity. It wasn’t insanely hard but that was only because I decided to be quite over leveled for most of the game. For a Skyrim lover as of my self for me too explain it to the best of my ability it was like Skyrim and maybe Doom? on crack times 10. Which that explanation still isn’t even 60% accurate, the game is a whole experience like I’ve never came across in a video game before. It’s definitely worth buying and checking out but you should definitely do research before purchasing it. Being my first ever FromSoft game I was very cautious at buying it at launch but after 1 week of videos/reviews I had to buy it. Like Skyrim I will never forget this game and again like Skyrim for years to come I will catch my self coming back to it over and over and over again. For me it’s not even about the story it’s the diversity of play styles you can have that makes this game truly addictive, that and just the astounding world they have built for you and me to enjoy. That alone makes it’s a Top 5 game in my book and that’s all I need to try to sell this game to anyone that ever ask me what I think of it. Go onward fellow tarnished!