Lazy boring film. Writing didn’t make any sense and felt very rushed. Most of the “funny” lines were overused sex jokes. Acting was okay, Finn wolfhard didn’t get enough scenes in my opinion. The whole movie was a snorefest waiting for something interesting to happen and when something finally happend it was underwhelming.
The ghostbuster girl gets angry at her parents and plays chess by herself. Suddenly a ghost girl appears. She slowly falls in love with the ghost and tries to turn herself into a spirit??! But the ghost girl betrays her to see her family in which she burned them alive in a fire?? In the end she ends up floating away or whatever super underwhelming not enough action in this film. This whole subplot amounted to nothing and was so stupid
Another subplot was that this guy was like this fire bender ( I don’t understand why there are fire. Benders in this universe this isn’t avatar???) and has to defeat the evil demon thing using his fire powers. In which he had no prior training other than lighting a candle. Also another stupid subplot that makes no sense. 1/10 for this movie terrible
If you’re looking for a classic ghostbusters movie with the classic cast about catching actual ghosts. With actually interesting plots don’t have high hope for this movie. Nothing stood out and is a lame excuse to push out more ghostbuster merch. If your looking for a sad excuse of a movie for a dying franchise then your in luck because this movie is for you